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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hot New TV Show Rookie Blue With Hot Actress Missy Peregrym

There is a cool show that is on TV now called Rookie Blue. Its a cop show but from the Rookies perspective. Missy Peregrym plays an excellent role at being the tough woman in the show. She is a very beautiful girl and I can see her getting more roles just based on this television show. We wish you luck. Here are some hot pictures I have found of her on the internet, I am sure there will be a lot more soon....

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tomcat OutOfMemoryError: Heap space/PermGen space

Have You ever seen such error in Your logs? Probably yes. It simply means that available memory for Tomcat was consumed and nothing left. To be precise: available memory for JVM which Tomcat uses to run.

What causes this error? It can be caused by memory leaks in the application or the applications has big requirements "by design", even if there are no memory leaks. For the first case You should use some profiling tools to find and fix memory leaks - perhaps this might help without need to change memory settings for Tomcat JVM. If You are sure that Your application has no memory leaks, the only way is to increase memory used by Tomcat JVM. See below how to do that - please note that I described modifying Tomcat memory settings when it is installed as a service under Windows OS.

32-bit Windows
The main problem here is that 32-bit OS is able to see no more than 3,2GB of RAM, even if You have 4GB or more physically installed. This is upper limit of memory that can be use - in theory. However, in practise You will not be able to use more than 1 to 1,5GB of RAM for Tomcat's JVM - the rest of memory is used by OS itself and installed software.

64-bit Windows
Let's assume that You need to assign more than 1,5GB of RAM for Tomcat JVM. Therefore You need 64-bit OS with at least 4GB of RAM (for example 64-bit Windows Professional supports up to 192GB of RAM). Of course You must also use 64-bit JDK - when You use 32-bit JDK under 64-bit OS, You will again face the limit of 3,2GB RAM. You also must use 64-bit version of Tomcat (as it contains Windows service wrapper to use with 64-bit JVMs on 64-bit Windows platforms). Below You will find complete list of all needed steps:

Step 1: make sure You are using 64-bit Windows OS. 

Step 2: install 64-bit JDK and set $JAVA_HOME to the installation directory. 

Step 3: download .zip file with 64-bit Tomcat for Windows (file: apache-tomcat-[version] 

Step 4: extract Tomcat and go into Tomcat's /bin directory.

Step 5: open service.bat file and locate the line with --JvmMS and --JvmMX parameters, and modify it with new values memory, eg:

%EXECUTABLE%" //US//%SERVICE_NAME% ++JvmOptions "\temp" ++JvmOptions "-XX:MaxPermSize=1024m" --JvmMs 2048 --JvmMx 4096

Note: PermSize is set in different way than heap which has predefined JvmMS and JvmMX flags.

Step 6: open Windows console with administrator rights, then go into Tomcat /bin and execute command:

service.bat install tomcat6

Step 7: start service with command:

net start tomcat6

Note 1: You can skip point 5 and execute directly point 6. After that just start tomcat6w.exe which is a GUI tool for managing the service. You can set memory values there.

Note 2: as an alternative to above steps, You can download Tomcat service installer (file: apache-tomcat-[version].exe) which performs service installation, and then use tomcat6w.exe tool for tune memory settings.

That's all. Your Tomcat service should use provided memory settings.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Koleksi Foto Tantri Kotak | Foto Vokalis Kotak Tantri

Masih ingat dengan artikel sebelumnya di dunia celeb tentang koleksi lengkap foto bassis kotak alias chua kotak atau ices kotak atau apalah namanya princezz amanda, kali ini saya akan posting disini koleksi foto dari vokalis kotak yaitu tantri. ini adalah koleksi foto tantri kotak.

Tantri sebagai vokalis dari band kotak dikenal dengan ciri khas suaranya yang powerfull dan ngerock. simak saja

Shireen Sungkar Profil dan Foto

Shireen Sungkar pemeran fitri dalam sinetron cinta fitri akhirnya menerima gelar artis wanita terfavorit dalam ajang SCTV Awards 2010. dan sinetron cinta fitri juga menyabet gelar sinetron terfavorit, begitu juga dengan gelar artis pendukung pria terbaik yang diambil oleh adly fairuz, artis pendukung wanita terbaik dinda kanya dewi dan artis pria terbaik teuku wisnu. semuanya berasal dari sitkom

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Widi Vierra Diculik | Kronologis Penculikan Vokalis Vierra

Widi Vierra Diculik | Kronologis Penculikan Vokalis Vierra, Widi Vokalis band vierra diculik. kasus penculikan widi vierra hingga kini masih ditangani oleh polisi, hingga kini pihak yang berwajib masih menyelidiki pelaku penculikan widi vierra. Sempat beredar kabar kalau Widi diculik oleh orang yang dikenalnya. Tapi, pengacara Widi, Minola Sebayang membantah kabar tersebut

Widi 'Vierra' menjadi

Monday, July 4, 2011

Profil KH Zainudin MZ | Riwayat Singkat Dai Sejuta Umat

Profil KH Zainudin MZ, postingan kali ini kami tujukan untuk mengenang salah satu kyai kondang di indonesia yang tenar dengan julukan dai sejuta umat. berikut adalah profil dan biografi singkat bapak KH Zainudin MZ dan sedikit Riwayat Hidup Dai Sejuta Umat KH Zainudin MZ.

Biografi KH Zainudin MZ

Nama Lengkap : Haji Zainuddin Muhammad Zein
Tanggal Lahir : Jakarta 2 Maret 1951
Wafat : 5 Juli

KH Zainudin MZ Meninggal Dunia | Dai Sejuta Umat Wafat

KH Zainudin MZ Meninggal Dunia, Kyai yang terkenal dengan julukan dai sejuta umat wafat pagi tadi tanggal 5 juli 2011 akibat serangan jantung. KH Zainuddin MZ menghembuskan nafas terakhir di usia yang ke 60 tahun di rumah sakit Pusat Pertamina Jakarta pada pukul 09.22 WIB. KH Zainuddin MZ yang juga pernah menjadi ketua umum partai PBR itu meninggal dunia karena sakit.

Sebelum meninggal,