Sora Aoi. siapa sebenarnya sora aoi? pastinya para pecinta JAv sudah tidak asing dengan nama Sora Aoi atau kadang dipanggil Sola Aoi, rencananya Sola Aoi akan bermain film di indonesia mengikut jejak miyabi, Rin sakuragi dan juga erika kirihara.
Kini giliran Sola Aoi yang akan bermain di dalam film Indonesia yang berjudul 'Suster Keramas 2'. Ia pun berharap bisa diterima masyarakat Indonesia.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Laura Vandervoort is Supergirl 'Kara' from Smallville
Laura Vandervoort is a beautiful actress that comes from Canada. She is very beautiful and has been on a number of television series and movies. She is becoming a well established actor and has worked with many famous people, and is even becoming famous herself. I first saw Laura on the television series Smallville which I love. She also appears on the television show "V" which is about reptilian aliens that are trying to take over the world, and can morph into human bodies so that they can go undetected and live among us. She also can kick major ass because she has a second degree black belt in Karate. Be careful what you say about her, and if you are paparrazzi be careful, you might get your ass kicked. For making so much money she composes herself pretty well, and doesn't go out to clubs and get wasted. She is a very talented individual that has all the goods in the right places if you know what I mean. When Laura was growing up she was much like a tom boy and was a part of many sports while she was in school. She was in everything you can think of from baseball, to football. In Maxim magazines 100 hottest women, Laura Vandervoort made the cut, for good reason. Laura is a very diverse actress and I hope that we see more of her in upcoming releases of both movies and television series. Here are some sexy pictures I found of Laura Vandervoort on the Internet...
Monday, March 28, 2011
Indoor and Outdoor Trade Show Equipment
Have you ever see a trade show in an Exhibition Hall before? Usually many retail outlets or brands held a trade show to introduce their new products or service. They use many equipment to help their exhibition such as logo canopy with their company logo to support their exhibition. but beside a logo canopy some brands or retail would use their logo in a logo mats.
Held a Trade Show is a great
Held a Trade Show is a great
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Amanda Seyfried From Mean Girls and Mamma Mia Looking Sexy as Ever
Amanda Seyfried is very beautiful. The first movie I have seen her in was "Mean Girls" with Lindsay Lohan. She did an excellent job in making the world believe that she was another stupid blonde with big boobs. She believed that her boobs would help her predict when it would rain, and she said she had "ESPN" instead of "ESP". That movie was a classic. Amanda Seyfried is very talented and she showed the world just how diversified her talent was when she was in the movie "Mamma Mia" with Meryl Streep. I also liked that movie very much. Now let me show you some sexy pictures that I found of miss Amanda Seyfried on the Internet. Enjoy...
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Tia Agustin Profil dan Foto
Tia Agustin? Siapa sih tia agustin? nama tia agustin mungkin belum terdengar akrab di telinga ya? maklum saja tia agustin adalah artis pendatang baru yang bermain di film horror 13 cara memanggil setan.
Nah biar ga kaget lebih baik kenalan dulu yuk sama Tia Agustin. nih biografi dan profil dari Tia Agustin. Tia agustin yang bernama lengkap Sri Agustiani lahir di Malingping, Banten, 18 Agustus
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Penangkapan Kangen Band Kasus Narkoba
Penangkapan Kangen atas Kasus narkoba, belum lama ini Yoyo drummer padi ditangkap atas kasus narkoba lalu iyut bing slamet dan kini 6 otang anggota kangen band yang ditangkap atas kasus narkoba. saya sama sekali tidak menyangka 6 personil kangen band menggunakan narkoba jenis ganja. Menurut berita, seluruh personil kangen band tidak mengakui bahwa mereka menggunakan ganja.
para personel Kangen
para personel Kangen
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
JSF 2, Spring 3, JPA (Hibernate 3), PostgreSQL, c3p0 - everything together (part 1 of 2)
- a working example of JSF 2.0 application with Spring Framework and Spring Security integrated (can be found here)
- installed PostgreSQL database (simple installation variant described here)
You will learn:
- how to use database for loading and storing the data in the sample JSF 2.0 application
- how to access the database from the application using JPA (Hibernate) and Spring
- how to optimize database access by using connection pool (c3p0)
It is a high time to create a real working example with a database. Sample application used in previous posts use no database. We had Spring's managed service named bikeDataProvider acting as a database - all bikes data were created in that service during startup, all bikes data were retrieved from that service, even new bike data were stored internally in the service:
public class BikeDataProviderImpl implements BikeDataProvider {
private List<Bike> bikes;
private void prepareData(){
bikes = new ArrayList<Bike>();
// MTB
Bike mtb1 = new Bike();
mtb1.setName("Kellys Mobster");
mtb1.setDescription("Kellys Mobster, lorem ipsut...");
// ... rest of mock bikes created here
public List<Bike> getBikesByCategory(Integer categoryId, boolean onlyWithDiscount) {
// returns bikes by given category
public Bike getBikeById(Integer id){
// returns certain bike for its details
public void add(Bike newBike) {
// add new bike
The same method of creating mock data was used in Spring's managed service named userDetailsService - users and their authorities were created directly inside the service:
package com.jsfsample.application.impl;
public class UserDetailsServiceImpl implements UserDetailsService {
private HashMap<String,> users = new HashMap<String,>();
public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username) {
// returns user
public void init() {
// mocked roles
Collection<GrantedAuthority> adminAuthorities = new ArrayList<GrantedAuthority>();
adminAuthorities.add(new GrantedAuthorityImpl("ROLE_ADMIN"));
Collection<GrantedAuthority> userAuthorities = new ArrayList<GrantedAuthority>();
userAuthorities.add(new GrantedAuthorityImpl("ROLE_REGISTERED"));
boolean enabled = true;
boolean accountNonExpired = true;
boolean credentialsNonExpired = true;
boolean accountNonLocked = true;
// mocked users with roles
users.put("admin", new"admin", "admin", enabled, accountNonExpired,
credentialsNonExpired, accountNonLocked, adminAuthorities));
users.put("user", new"user", "user", enabled, accountNonExpired,
credentialsNonExpired, accountNonLocked, userAuthorities));
In both cases all data are created in the method annotated with @PostConstruct. That annotation means, that method will be invoked first after creating an instance of a class (in this case Spring creates instances of those service classes).
Our objective is to remove that mocked data created explicite in the services classes and replace them with data coming from real database.
Step 1: we need database structure:
name VARCHAR(32),
CONSTRAINT role_pk PRIMARY KEY (role_id)
CREATE TABLE "account" (
account_id SERIAL NOT NULL,
login VARCHAR(32),
password VARCHAR(32),
CONSTRAINT account_pk PRIMARY KEY (account_id),
CONSTRAINT role_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (role_id) REFERENCES role(role_id)
CREATE TABLE "bike_category" (
bike_category_id SERIAL NOT NULL,
name VARCHAR(32),
CONSTRAINT bike_category_pk PRIMARY KEY (bike_category_id)
bike_category_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
name VARCHAR(32),
description TEXT,
price numeric(10,2),
discount_price numeric(10,2),
CONSTRAINT bike_pk PRIMARY KEY (bike_id),
CONSTRAINT bike_category_fk FOREIGN KEY (bike_category_id) REFERENCES bike_category(bike_category_id)
This is very simple database with two many-to-one relations: many users belongs to (have) one role and many bikes belongs to (have) one category. Of course in real world user would have many roles, so we would use many-to-many relation, but I decided to use many-to-one to simplify it.
Tables account and role will be used by Spring Security - they store users and their authorities (roles). Tables bike and bike_category are the "heart" of bike store.
Step 2: when structure is ready, it is time to insert some sample data:
INSERT INTO role (name) values ('ROLE_ADMIN'); -- id 1
INSERT INTO role (name) values ('ROLE_REGISTERED'); -- id 2
INSERT INTO account (role_id, login, password) values (1, 'admin', 'admin'); -- ROLE_ADMIN
INSERT INTO account (role_id, login, password) values (2, 'user', 'user'); -- ROLE_REGISTERED
INSERT INTO bike_category (name) values ('Mountain'); -- id 1
INSERT INTO bike_category (name) values ('Trekking'); -- id 2
INSERT INTO bike_category (name) values ('Cross'); -- id 3
INSERT INTO bike (bike_category_id, name, description, price, discount_price) values (1, 'Kellys Mobster', 'Kellys Mobster, lorem ipsut...', 6500, null); -- Mountain
INSERT INTO bike (bike_category_id, name, description, price, discount_price) values (1, 'Scott Scale', 'Scott Scale, lorem ipsut...', 18900, null); -- Mountain
INSERT INTO bike (bike_category_id, name, description, price, discount_price) values (1, 'Author Magnum', 'Author Magnum, lorem ipsut...', 17200, 15500); -- Mountain
INSERT INTO bike (bike_category_id, name, description, price, discount_price) values (2, 'Giant Accend', 'Giant Accend, lorem ipsut...', 5000, 4600); -- Trekking
INSERT INTO bike (bike_category_id, name, description, price, discount_price) values (2, 'Merida Freeway', 'Merida Freeway, lorem ipsut...', 2400, 2100); -- Trekking
INSERT INTO bike (bike_category_id, name, description, price, discount_price) values (2, 'Mbike Massive', 'Mbike Massive, lorem ipsut...', 1900, null); -- Trekking
INSERT INTO bike (bike_category_id, name, description, price, discount_price) values (3, 'Giant Roam XR 1', 'Giant Roam XR 1, lorem ipsut...', 3900, null); -- Cross
INSERT INTO bike (bike_category_id, name, description, price, discount_price) values (3, 'Cannondale Quick Cx', 'Cannondale Quick Cx, lorem ipsut...', 4999, null); -- Cross
INSERT INTO bike (bike_category_id, name, description, price, discount_price) values (3, 'Cube Cross', 'Cube Cross, lorem ipsut...', 4500, 4200); -- Cross
Step 3: adding required libraries into project.
Comparing those libraries with libraries from clean JSF 2.0 project (look here) or libraries from JSF 2.0 project with Spring (look here) we have extra libraries here: Hibernate libraries marked green, Spring JPA libraries marked red and some third party libraries marked blue. Those blue libraries are:
- c3p0 libraries for connection pool
- log4j library and bridge library from sl4j to log4j - Hibernate by default uses sl4j, but we would like to use log4j
- JDBC driver for PostgreSQL
Step 4: configuration files - will be continued in next post.
Download source files:
The complete working example of mentioned application which will contain all described issues, will be available in the last (second) article of this serie.Berita Penangkapan Iyut Bing Slamet
Berita Penangkapan Iyut Bing Slamet - belum lama ini kita dengar Yoyo padi ditangkap akibat kasus narkoba shabu shabu kini ada artis lainnya yang mengikuti jejaknya yang tertangkap karena kepemilikan shabu shabu. Iyut bing slamet yang bernama asli Ratna Fairus Albar ditangkap di Hotel Penthouse di Mangga Besar, Jakarta Barat,
Tertangkapnya Iyut Bing slamet yang merupakan putri dari aktor bing
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